Silver Sneakers


Barbells Gym is proud to announce that we are now partners with Silver Sneakers! Please stop in anytime during the week from 10am-8pm to take advantage of your insurance benefits! Please call 330-432-0228 to make sure someone is present to sign up on weekends! Please bring your Tivity Health ID number to help sign ups go faster! We hope to see you soon!

College Student Memberships

Are you a college student home for the Summer? Come to Barbells! Our 3 month college membership gets you, your three month summer break and includes all of your holiday breaks when you go back to college! Don’t miss out on the opportunity! Someone is in the office from 10am-8:00pm during the week, call 3304076180 to set up an appointment for the weekend! Come spend your Summer break here at Barbells!!
#barbellsgym #barbells #bullstrong #seamonkeycrossfit #summerbreak

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